Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Management CentreDepartment of Power,Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Solar Calculator
General Information
1kW of solar plant installation requires 10 sqm (approx 100sq feet) of area.
Normally, Roofs have multiple projections like parapets, momty, antenna, water tanks etc. This reduces the utilization of roof available for solar - approx 20% is available for solar installation. The same can be increased upto 50% by using elevated structures.
Easy financing options available with major banks upto 2 Lacs @7% (Effective Rate) for a period of 10 years for residential consumers. Margin money of 10% will be required.
Cost of solar installation is approx Rs 60,000 per kW (for plants with capacity till 5kW), approx Rs 55,000 per kW (for plants with capacity from 6kW-10kW), approx Rs 50,000 (for plants with capacity above 10kW).