Solar Calculator

General Information

  • 1kW of solar plant installation requires 10 sqm (approx 100sq feet) of area.
  • Normally, Roofs have multiple projections like parapets, momty, antenna, water tanks etc. This reduces the utilization of roof available for solar - approx 20% is available for solar installation. The same can be increased upto 50% by using elevated structures.
  • Easy financing options available with major banks upto 2 Lacs @7% (Effective Rate) for a period of 10 years for residential consumers. Margin money of 10% will be required.
  • Cost of solar installation is approx Rs 60,000 per kW (for plants with capacity till 5kW), approx Rs 55,000 per kW (for plants with capacity from 6kW-10kW), approx Rs 50,000 (for plants with capacity above 10kW).